Insurance Non-life and Things to Note When Buying

Currently, there are many types of insurance, from domestic insurance to international insurance. Surely everyone has heard of non-life insurance and has some understanding of it. However, when it comes to non-life insurance, many people are still confused about it. Here, MFast will help you understand more about non-life insurance and what to consider when…

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What is Joint Life Insurance? The Joint Life Insurance Product?

Currently, traditional insurance products are familiar for protecting customers against unforeseen risks in life. Therefore, joint life insurance has gained popularity due to its flexibility, benefits, and safety during usage. Joint life insurance helps customers supplement disciplined savings goals and efficient investments, ensuring safety. 1. What is Joint Life Insurance? Joint life insurance can be…

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12 Reasons Why You Need Life Insurance

1. Replace the missing income source when the main pillar is no longer there. As the main pillar in the family, have you ever wondered what would happen if unfortunate events befall you? Besides the irreparable emotional loss, how will your parents, spouse, and children cope without your regular source of income? Your current monthly…

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Insurance or Investment – Which is More Important?

Insurance and investment are the two most crucial pillars in personal financial planning. While investment has the potential to increase income and assets, insurance plays the role of safeguarding assets created from our labor and livelihood. Both insurance and investment significantly impact long-term financial health. However, insurance is a somewhat dull topic that not everyone…

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Investment Insurance: What Is It, and Should You Consider Purchasing Investment Insurance?

In the context of the constantly evolving economy and increasingly complex investment market, understanding investment insurance is crucial to ensure the financial safety of oneself and one’s family. So, what is investment insurance? Should you consider purchasing investment insurance? Follow this article to find the answers. 1. What is Investment Insurance? Investment insurance is a…

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6 Steps to Help You Obtain a Satisfactory Insurance Contract

Insurance brings numerous practical benefits, serving not only as a financial safeguard against various risks but also as an effective channel for asset accumulation. However, when engaging in insurance, it’s crucial not to hastily sign a contract; careful consideration is essential to avoid selecting the wrong product. The following article provides a formula to help…

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Should I buy health insurance for critical illnesses?

Poor health conditions bring about significant disruptions, affecting not only one’s health but also the overall quality of life. To cope with unforeseen medical expenses, it’s essential to have a substantial amount of money. Diseases often progress silently, making it challenging to detect until it’s too late. Therefore, besides maintaining a healthy lifestyle, one may…

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